Your Emotional Anatomy: How Emotions Affect Your Muscles
“The wound is the place where light enters you.” Rumi
What’s The Emotion?
When you get a pain the neck, is it really a problem with your cervical vertebrae, your anterior neck flexors, your posterior neck extensors or have you simply gotten stuck in your emotions?
As a medical intuitive healer, one of the first things I do is empower you to understand how your emotions have been affecting your physical body.
You and I will set a goal — for example, to get rid of that nagging pain in your neck — and the very second thing I will do is ask one simple question.
What’s the emotion?
You can download one of the many charts of emotions I use at this link.
Your Body Speaks the Language of Emotions
We have to understand that our physical bodies simply respond to what’s happening to our energy system, our emotions, our thoughts and our spiritual experience.
I think of your body like one big hologram with each aspect reflecting what’s happening inside and out, above and below, from the cell level to the macro level.
By the time you experience discomfort on the physical level, you’ve been grappling with the emotion behind it for some time — even if you have not been consciously aware.
You may not realize how emotional your body really is until you start to connect the relative ease or discomfort you have been experiencing with the emotions you have been feeling.
Pain in and of itself is an emotion. Can you understand the language of what your body cries for?
You Can Understand Yourself Better
Here’s a brief summary you can use when you’re trying to understand why you have been suffering so much.
Because you may not know your anatomy as well as I do, I’m including links to images and charts so you can see these muscles more clearly. Just click on the name of each muscle to be connected to an image where you can study it more carefully.
The linked name of each muscle precedes the name of the acupuncture meridian that governs the muscle followed by a list of the emotions that affect its functioning.
The Emotions Affecting Each Major Muscle
Central Meridian
Supraspinatus. Central acupuncture meridian. Self respect. Overwhelm. Shyness. Success. Shame.
Governing Meridian
Teres Major. Governing meridian. Embarrassment. Support. Harmony. Trust. Truth.
Stomach Meridian
Pectoralis Major Clavicular. Stomach meridian. Unreliable. Criticism. Contentment. Disappointment. Deprivation. Hunger. Nausea. Greed. Empty. Sympathy. Empathy. Harmony. Disgust. Doubt. Bitter.
Levator Scapulae. Stomach meridian. Unreliable. Criticism. Contentment. Disappointment. Deprivation. Hunger. Nausea. Greed. Empty. Sympathy. Empathy. Harmony. Disgust. Doubt. Bitter.
Anterior Neck Flexors. Stomach meridian. Unreliable. Criticism. Contentment. Disappointment. Deprivation. Hunger. Nausea. Greed. Empty. Sympathy. Empathy. Harmony. Disgust. Doubt. Bitter.
Posterior Neck Extensors. Stomach meridian. Unreliable. Criticism. Contentment. Disappointment. Deprivation. Hunger. Nausea. Greed. Empty. Sympathy. Empathy. Harmony. Disgust. Doubt. Bitter.
Brachioradialis. Stomach meridian. Unreliable. Criticism. Contentment. Disappointment. Deprivation. Hunger. Nausea. Greed. Empty. Sympathy. Empathy. Harmony. Disgust. Doubt. Bitter.
Spleen Meridian
Latissimus Dorsi. Spleen meridian. Rejected. Assurance. Indifference. Disapproval. Faith in the future. Anxiety re: the future. Consideration. Recollection. Confidence. Alienation. Sympathy. Empathy. Brooding. Cynicism. Envy.
Middle and Lower Trapezius. Spleen meridian. Rejected. Assurance. Indifference. Disapproval. Faith in the future. Anxiety re: the future. Consideration. Recollection. Confidence. Alienation. Sympathy. Empathy. Brooding. Cynicism. Envy.
Opponens Pollicis. Spleen meridian. Rejected. Assurance. Indifference. Disapproval. Faith in the future. Anxiety re: the future. Consideration. Recollection. Confidence. Alienation. Sympathy. Empathy. Brooding. Cynicism. Envy.
Triceps. Spleen meridian. Rejected. Assurance. Indifference. Disapproval. Faith in the future. Anxiety re: the future. Consideration. Recollection. Confidence. Alienation. Sympathy. Empathy. Brooding. Cynicism. Envy.
Heart Meridian
Subscapularis. Heart meridian. Forgiveness. Compassion. Self confidence. Self esteem. Self worth. Self doubt. Insecure. Secure. Anger. Hate. Love.
Small Intestine Meridian
Quadriceps. Small intestine meridian. Joy. Shock. Sorrow. Sadness. Internalization. Unappreciated. Nervousness. Over excited. Discouraged. Assimilation. Nourishing. Hurting.
Abdominal muscles. Small intestine meridian. Joy. Shock. Sorrow. Sadness. Internalization. Unappreciated. Nervousness. Over excited. Discouraged. Assimilation. Nourishing. Hurting.
Bladder Meridian
Peroneus. Bladder meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Peace. Dread. Terror. Panic. Resoluteness. Frustration. Impatience. Inner direction. Confidence. Inadequacy. Courage.
Sacrospinalis/Erector Spinae Muscles. Bladder meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Peace. Dread. Terror. Panic. Resoluteness. Frustration. Impatience. Inner direction. Confidence. Inadequacy. Courage.
Tibialis Anterior. Bladder meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Peace. Dread. Terror. Panic. Resoluteness. Frustration. Impatience. Inner direction. Confidence. Inadequacy. Courage.
Tibialis Posterior. Bladder meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Peace. Dread. Terror. Panic. Resoluteness. Frustration. Impatience. Inner direction. Confidence. Inadequacy. Courage.
Kidney Meridian
Psoas. Kidney meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Phobia. Sexual insecurity. Creative insecurity. Superstition. Paranoia. Cautious. Careless. Reckless. Indecisive. Loyal.
Upper Trapezius. Kidney meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Phobia. Sexual insecurity. Creative insecurity. Superstition. Paranoia. Cautious. Careless. Reckless. Indecisive. Loyal.
Iliacus. Kidney meridian. Fear. Anxiety. Phobia. Sexual insecurity. Creative insecurity. Superstition. Paranoia. Cautious. Careless. Reckless. Indecisive. Loyal.
Circulation-Sex Meridian
Gluteus Medius. Circulation-Sex meridian. Gloomy. Hysteria. Relaxation. Stubbornness. Renounce the past. Tranquility. Responsibility. Generosity. Jealousy. Remorse. Calm.
Adductors. Circulation-Sex meridian. Gloomy. Hysteria. Relaxation. Stubbornness. Renounce the past. Tranquility. Responsibility. Generosity. Jealousy. Remorse. Calm.
Piriformis. Circulation-Sex meridian. Gloomy. Hysteria. Relaxation. Stubbornness. Renounce the past. Tranquility. Responsibility. Generosity. Jealousy. Remorse. Calm.
Gluteus Maximus. Circulation-Sex meridian. Gloomy. Hysteria. Relaxation. Stubbornness. Renounce the past. Tranquility. Responsibility. Generosity. Jealousy. Remorse. Calm.
Triple Warmer Meridian
Teres Minor. Triple warmer meridian. Elation. Despair. Despondent. Lightness. Heaviness. Loneliness. Humiliated. Hopeless. Serving. Balance. Buoyancy. Solitude.
Sartorius. Triple warmer meridian. Elation. Despair. Despondent. Lightness. Heaviness. Loneliness. Humiliated. Hopeless. Serving. Balance. Buoyancy. Solitude.
Gracilis. Triple warmer meridian. Elation. Despair. Despondent. Lightness. Heaviness. Loneliness. Humiliated. Hopeless. Serving. Balance. Buoyancy. Solitude.
Soleus. Triple warmer meridian. Elation. Despair. Despondent. Lightness. Heaviness. Loneliness. Humiliated. Hopeless. Serving. Balance. Buoyancy. Solitude.
Gastrocnemius. Triple warmer meridian. Elation. Despair. Despondent. Lightness. Heaviness. Loneliness. Humiliated. Hopeless. Serving. Balance. Buoyancy. Solitude.
Gallbladder Meridian
Anterior Deltoid. Gallbladder meridian. Love. Anger. Rage. Wrath. Self righteous indignation. Forbearance. Motivation. Assertiveness. Boredom. Helpless. Impotent. Passive. Humble. Choice making. Proud.
Popliteus. Gallbladder meridian. Love. Anger. Rage. Wrath. Self righteous indignation. Forbearance. Motivation. Assertiveness. Boredom. Helpless. Impotent. Passive. Humble. Choice making. Proud.
Liver Meridian
Pectoralis Major. Liver meridian. Anger. Rage. Wrath. Distressed. Vengefulness. Resentment. Self righteous indignation. Transformation. Responsibility. Unhappiness. Happiness. Irritability. Hostility. Content. Bitter.
Rhomboids. Liver meridian. Anger. Rage. Wrath. Distressed. Vengefulness. Resentment. Self righteous indignation. Transformation. Responsibility. Unhappiness. Happiness. Irritability. Hostility. Content. Bitter.
Lung Meridian
Serratus Anterior. Lung meridian. Cheerful. Depressed. False pride. Haughty. Humility. Modesty. Openness. Scorn. Disdain. Intolerance. Prejudice. Contempt. Regret.
Coracobrachialis. Lung meridian. Cheerful. Depressed. False pride. Haughty. Humility. Modesty. Openness. Scorn. Disdain. Intolerance. Prejudice. Contempt. Regret.
Deltoids. Lung meridian. Cheerful. Depressed. False pride. Haughty. Humility. Modesty. Openness. Scorn. Disdain. Intolerance. Prejudice. Contempt. Regret.
Diaphragm. Lung meridian. Cheerful. Depressed. False pride. Haughty. Humility. Modesty. Openness. Scorn. Disdain. Intolerance. Prejudice. Contempt. Regret.
Large Intestine Meridian
Fascia Lata. Large intestine meridian. Guilt. Grief. Regret. Release. Self worth. Depression. Letting go. Indifference. Unmerciful. Compassion. Sadness. Apathy.
Hamstrings. Large intestine meridian. Guilt. Grief. Regret. Release. Self worth. Depression. Letting go. Indifference. Unmerciful. Compassion. Sadness. Apathy.
Quadratus Lumborum. Large intestine meridian. Guilt. Grief. Regret. Release. Self worth. Depression. Letting go. Indifference. Unmerciful. Compassion. Sadness. Apathy.
The Power of Compassion
As you make the connection between the chronic muscle pain and the emotional suffering you have been experiencing, you can begin to contemplate how to unwind some of these patterns.
This may in fact be why your chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, massage, stretching, regular exercise, steroid injections, food healing, drugs, nutritional supplements or other physical approaches alone have not been making much change in your experience.
Please have compassion for yourself and for all the people who have tried to help you along the way.
Even if you did not experience complete relief, each person who helped put their energy and intentions towards improving your well being.
Once I help you make the connection between your pain and your suffering, I then ask your body what needs to happen differently.
Do you need:
- To feel the emotions more deeply?
- Resolve the feelings?
- Move the energy that’s been stuck in your muscles?
- Something else entirely?
Your body actually has the wisdom to speak the truth of what you need once you start listening with the power of compassion.
I have a huge menu but the bottom line is once you have listened deeply you have the knowledge you need to make a difference.
If you have been wanting to understand the emotions behind your discomfort or learn what you can do to resolve the problem, set up an appointment today.
What is healing? Healing happens when you compassionately understand your emotional anatomy.
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