Panda Power Animal Awaits the Birth

Catherine Carrigan
4 min readMar 26, 2018


Even though I have never given birth to my own children, as a medical intuitive healer I have had the great privilege of helping many babies be born.

Last night I had a dream of a baby panda.

It had climbed way high up into a tree and was looking down and waiting.

I received the guidance that this young panda is the power animal for the son who is about to be born today to one of my dear clients.

As I write this, my client and her husband are waiting to go to Northside Hospital for a scheduled C-section at 2 p.m. today.

She had tried for five years to try to become pregnant before becoming my client.

A wide range of practitioners — both traditional and alternative — had offered their advice.

Finally, the doctors concluded that they had no idea why she could not get pregnant and recommended in vitro fertilization (IVF).

After ordering her first round of medications from a pharmacy, she began to feel panicked and concluded she could not go down that path.

Somehow a mutual friend directed her to me and we began working together.

Like many of my women clients who are trying to conceive, she was dubious, but I directed her to my other clients who are now proud mothers. Most of them are so happy they will talk for hours about what they went through. They generously share their hope.

As my client recounts the story, she got pregnant within about five or six months of beginning medical intuitive healings with me.

Even this was not a smooth path.

After confirming her pregnancy, she went to a medical doctor for a routine exam. The doctor could not see the fetus and announced her she had lost the baby.

Devastated, she reached out to me by phone.

This was around Labor Day weekend and I was visiting friends and family down in Savannah. I found time to do healing work with her to meet the soul of her unborn child.

She remained calm despite the disappointing news. A subsequent visit to a second doctor confirmed her child was still with her.

We worked together throughout her pregnancy and last night she and her husband joined me and a few friends for dinner.

“I feel wonderful,” she declared, looking radiant and relaxed as we listened to the details of the delivery process: show up at the hospital this afternoon, C-section 2 p.m., her parents arriving from Brazil this morning, expecting to be in a room to greet the world by 6 p.m.

At our last healing session I had recommended Messenger of the Heart, a Living Tree Orchid Essence:

“Give voice to the heart and communicate what you are feeling, without fear of the consequences for speaking your truth. To help become more aware of what is deeply valued within the heart, picture the image of a messenger on a white horse, galloping along in your heart spirited by the desire to be honest and true.”

Since beginning this orchid flower essence, she has felt deeply at peace.

At first the doctors told her that they expected her to deliver the baby in mid-April. After watching her pregnancy, they advised her to have a C-section on March 26.

When she called me to deliver the news I was delighted. “That’s the day after my birthday!” I declared.

And so last night, on my birthday, we all gathered together to celebrate the joy of birth.

Feeling so happy I fell deeply asleep afterwards until waking early this morning to the image of the baby panda power animal high up in a tree.

The baby panda told me he has been waiting patiently for this little soul — a baby boy — to be born.

No doubt my client and her husband have waited long enough as they had almost resigned themselves to being childless. But no longer!

Upon waking, I looked up the meaning of panda spirit animal:

  • Gentle strength
  • Peace
  • Good luck, positive outlook on life
  • Connection with Eastern wisdom
  • Integration of polarized aspects of yourself, such as feminine and masculine energies
  • Heart-centered energy, nurturing ability
  • Importance of emotions
  • Calm determination, ability to take time to reach your goals
  • Importance of private space and personal boundaries

And so it is I begin my day with great joy in my heart, the baby panda spirit animal waiting to join his little baby boy and my client and her husband and her family from Brazil preparing a blessed birth!

What is healing? Healing happens when you allow your soul to direct your life.



Catherine Carrigan
Catherine Carrigan

Written by Catherine Carrigan

Medical Intuitive Healer + Amazon №1 Bestselling Author + Host of the Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio

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