Member-only story
My Dog Ate My Rough Draft and Other Problems
Recently someone asked me, “What’s the weirdest thing your dog has ever eaten?”
Without hesitation, I responded, “The rough drafts to my books.”
It’s true.
I would be in my living room, my office, my kitchen or some other part of my home and I would hear this horrible, distinctive crunching, ripping sound.
I like to start the rough draft of my books on artist pads.
I thought I was being clever by hiding these 9 by 11 unlined pads behind the sofa in the room I use for distant healing.
But no.
Just like roaches and ants can find the crumbs you never knew were there, my dog Dixie can locate paper products I never realized were vulnerable to the gnashing of a cocker spaniel’s six-year-old teeth.
Once I proudly cleaned off my desk.
The only remaining piece of paper was my garden plan carefully designed by the one-and-only Lisa Daily, organic horticulturalist extraordinaire.
I stupidly thought this one piece of paper might be safe on top of my lap top.
During yoga class one evening Dixie ate my garden plan.
So why should I think that the rough draft to my books would be any different?