Mantra for Knowing How to Heal
It is my belief and experience that we all experience whispers from the spirit world because we all possess a soul.
Your soul is constantly forever and always trying to speak to you, attempting to guide your ego mind and direct you to all that is good.
At times, however, we become disconnected from our soul guidance.
We doubt ourselves.
We regret our past.
We’re not sure that we deserve to be divinely loved, even if we long for a deep soul connection.
We may even feel afraid of what we might see, hear, feel or know if we did allow ourselves to listen to the voices of our angels.
This disconnect causes us to feel deeply lonely, aimless, hopeless, pointless and bereft.
If you have been feeling this way, I encourage you to use this mantra:
I like this mantra because it’s so simple I can usually remember it even when I’m stressed.
I’m not sure precisely when I first learned this mantra, but it’s one that I have used for well over a decade whenever I’m wanting to direct my energies for healing.
If I lay my hands on a person for a Reiki treatment, I repeat these words silently until I feel clear inside myself.
If I’m doing a medical intuitive reading long distance, I may think this as I’m beginning my session.
Throughout my day if I feel unclear, I simply repeat this mantra and notice the direction that drops into my mind soon afterwards.
The other day I was in the middle of a medical intuitive reading, and the gentleman on the other end of the phone who was agreeing with everything I said suddenly interrupted.
“How do you do that?” he asked.
“That’s another question,” I replied.
Indeed I had never met him before and suddenly I was affirming for him information he had only ever before shared with a few people.
He had picked up the phone to call for a free consult. I was getting ready to give my dog a bath but interrupted my chores to talk to him. I had no time to prepare, had never laid eyes on him, seen his website or had a moment to study anything.
How do you do that?
Setting your intention to connect with the light of the Christ within, allowing yourself to be a channel for the highest good and allowing yourself to be guided by unconditional love will go a long way towards profound knowledge of healing.
What this healing mantra means to me:
- I INVOKE THE LIGHT OF THE CHRIST WITHIN. Your soul is eternally connected with oneness. As we focus on this oneness, we can quite literally see and experience the light within. At times, our own emotional dramas dim this light. We may feel confused, unhappy, distracted. You can focus on seeing the light within and in so doing allow yourself to become a guiding light not only for yourself but for the benefit of all others. This is the Christ consciousness that never leaves us, not even for one moment. We just have to see it, feel it, allow ourselves to be reassured by it and then radiate it. This is a simple way to awaken what is known as your light body.
- I AM A CLEAR AND PERFECT CHANNEL. With this statement, you affirm that you are ready, willing and able to know whatever it is that you need to know right now. You set aside what you think you know, all learning, all projections. You allow all necessary information to come to you. You show up and get out of the way. That means you show up, fully grounded and present, and set aside your ego mind to allow divine guidance to speak for the highest good of all. You affirm that you yourself know nothing but are willing to allow the power and wisdom of God to work through you.
- LOVE AND LIGHT ARE MY GUIDES. If the only thing that comes in and out of you is unconditional love, you will be good. When you allow the love of God to flow through you, you will intuitively know and express the right words, the right tone, the right message that people around you need to hear. When you allow yourself to be guided by the light, you channel the highest vibrations and in so doing you experience profound healing as you heal others. You serve the highest and best for the highest good of all. You become part of the oneness. You release your internal resistance. You experience no separation and in so doing allow the highest frequencies of which you are personally capable of aligning to flow through.
What is healing? Healing happens when you affirm your oneness and allow yourself to serve for the highest good of all.