How to Sit to Get Out of Pain
Is the way you are sitting causing you pain?
If you suffer from neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain or chronic tension in your body, one of the first places you can go for drug-free relief is to re-examine the way you sit.
Most of us are not conscious of how the way we sit at our desk or behind the wheel of our car affects our body.
When you sit schlumpfed over your computer or steering wheel or even rounding over to reach the handles of your bicycle on your very healthy bike ride, you cause a chain reaction of events throughout your physical body:
- Your breath shortens, causing you to feel more fatigued
- Your head juts forward, and every 1 inch forward your head leans you add 10 pounds of pressure onto your neck
- Your shoulders round forward, shortening the range of motion in your neck muscles and causing a natural imbalance around your shoulder girdle
- Your upper back rounds forward, often leading to kyphosis
- And many other possible distortions.
So how do you sit with good posture?
- Sit in a chair with a 90 degree angle in your legs.
- Bring your feet straight ahead and hip width apart.
- Pull the flesh out from underneath your sit bones.
- Tilt your hip bones gently forward, giving yourself a 30 to 35 degree curve in your lower back.
- From 2 inches below your belly button, lift the pit of your abdomen towards the crown of your head.
- Lift and spread your chest.
- Press the back of your shoulders behind you into an imaginary wall.
- Breathe deeply as you practice bringing your whole posture into better alignment.
- Hold 1 minute.
- Brings your spine into alignment.
- Increases oxygen flow to your lungs.
- Trains your body awareness. Notice how your little aches and pains go away just by sitting up straight.
- This is the basic posture from which you practice all your other exercises.
- Make sure you don’t collapse your lower back by rolling your hip bones backwards.
- Make sure you don’t schlump forward into a C position.
Even if you know how to sit properly, you may need to remind yourself to think about the placement of your body. Take a break from your desk, get up and walk a few paces and then sit back down consciously.
To learn more about how you can get out of pain naturally without drugs, read my eighth book and sixth Amazon Number 1 bestseller, The Difference Between Pain and Suffering.
The Difference Between Pain and Sufferingis a complete handbook for hope and healing for pain relief without drugs.Written by medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan, this book outlines tips you can follow to restore your health naturally. Drug overdose is now the №1 cause of death for Americans under the age of 50.Learn how to feel good without opioids or over-the-counter medication.
- Your Physical Body:Learn how to heal pain through nutrition, yoga, posture exercise, restorative movement, juices and smoothies and food healing.
- Your Energy Body:Take advantage of the hidden secrets of your chakras, energy healing, Reiki, balancing your acupuncture meridians and breathing exercises.
- Your Emotional Body: Release the emotional stress behind your suffering, overcome your broken heart, understand the messages from your body and let go of the payoffs for chronic pain.
- Your Mental Body:Change your story to think like a rich and healthy person.
- Your Spiritual Body:Raise your vibration past pain and suffering and learn how to comfort others when all you have to give is love.
This book includes an appendix with 41 therapeutic yoga exercises, charts and directions on how to balance your own acupuncture meridians and recipes for radiant health.
Want to learn more about how you can eliminate chest, shoulder, upper back and neck pain naturally? Call 678–612–8816 or email me at catherine@unlimitedenergynow.comto make an appointment. I’ll analyze your posture and explain what’s going on in your body and what you can do to feel better today.
To join Catherine’s ongoing yoga classes, follow the directions at this link. We meet Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9 p.m., Thursday mornings from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Thursday evenings 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Private lessons meet by appointment Monday through Friday.
Photo of overhead lat stretch courtesy of Diane Fulmer of Savannah, Georgia.