Hidden Secrets of Your Chakras
“The spirit is the life of the body seen from within, and the body the outward manifestation of the life of the spirit — the two being really one.” Carl Jung
One of the simplest ways to relieve pain and suffering is to take better care of your chakras.
What are your chakras?
Your chakras are energy vortexes, both large and small, located throughout your body as well as your energy field.
Many people have heard of their seven major chakras, but you have many others.
Some energy medicine experts claim there are as many as 23 chakras located not just in your physical body but also throughout your energy field both above the crown of your head and below your feet.
They are part of your pranamayakosha, or energy body, and regulate the well being of your physical body as well as the quality of vital energy you experience on a daily basis.
When your chakras are open and balanced, they spin a clockwise direction.
When you are unhealthy, your chakras may be closed or spinning in a counterclockwise direction.
As a medical intuitive healer, I can discuss the hidden secrets of your chakras.
Don’t Just Take An Aspirin, Balance Your Chakras
You’re probably aware that it’s a good idea to exercise regularly, eat right, sleep well and manage your stress.
But who has ever told you that it’s also a good idea to balance your chakras?
And why is this a really good idea anyway?
Your chakras literally regulate the well being not only of your physical body but also your psychological experience.
When you experience physical pain or mental suffering, there’s a 110 percent likelihood that a chakra that corresponds to the area in your body or your emotional process has been out of balance for some time.
That’s because everything that happens to you occurs not just at the physical level, it also resonates throughout your energy body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body.
You have a stereophonic experience of life.
When I do a medical intuitive reading, I look at:
- Your primary operating chakra, which tells me the filter through which you experience life.
- The chakra or chakras that are out of balance.
Here is a simple guide to the hidden secrets of your chakras from my Amazon №1 best seller, What Is Healing? Awaken Your Intuitive Power for Health and Happiness.
When you balance your chakras, you can cause huge changes throughout your entire well being.
As you learn how to take better care of your energy body you can lessen your reliance on medication, experience greater vitality and connect more deeply to your guidance from your soul.
When you are injured, sick or suffering in any way, you can get well faster by inquiring which of your chakras has been affected and using this simple guide to direct your self care.
1st Chakra, Muladhara, Root Chakra
Location: Between your urethra and anus
Purpose: our foundation
Issues associated with 1st chakra:
Appropriate boundaries
Seat of kundalini
Signs you have a problem with your 1st chakra:
Major illness or injury
Disconnection from the body
Fretful, anxious, can’t settle down
Poor focus, poor discipline
Financial problems
Poor boundaries
Chronic disorganization
If your 1st chakra is excessive, you may experience:
Fear of change, addiction to security
Rigid boundaries
Color: Red
Glands: Adrenals
Developmental age:
2nd trimester in the womb to 12 months
Balanced characteristics:
Good health
Well grounded
Comfortable in your body
Sense of trust in the world
Feeling safe and secure
Able to relax and be still
Right livelihood
Physical malfunctions:
Disorders of the bowel, anus, digestive system
Adrenal burnout
Disorders of the solid parts of the body: bones, teeth
Issues with feet, legs, knees, base of spine, buttocks, hips
Eating disorders
Frequent illness
Affirmations that support your 1st chakra:
I have a right to be here
I am safe
I love my body and trust its wisdom
I live a life of abundance
I choose to be here in this body in this lifetime
I love my life
I am meaningfully connected to my family
I draw on my family for love and support
I honor my connections to my tribe and transcend them
I have plenty of money now
I nurture my connection with nature
To heal wounds of your 1st chakra:
Get hugged or held
Create good bedding to you feel safe and comfortable as you sleep
Take a walk
Go barefoot
Have a picnic
Physical exercise
Lots of touch, massage
Reconnect with your body
Look at your earliest childhood relationship to your mother
Eat meat, proteins, red fruits and red vegetables
Resolve old family conflicts
Get out of survival mode and feel prosperous
Sound: Lam, C note
Yoga postures that benefit your 1st chakra:
Standing poses, especially warrior poses, frog, butterfly, pelvic lifts, bridge, knee to chest, head to knee, seated boat, tortoise, eagle, lotus
2nd Chakra, Svadisthana, Navel Chakra
Location: Below your navel
Purpose: Balanced Power and Sexuality
Issues associated with 2nd chakra:
Ability to experience pleasure
Intimate relationships
Sexual identity
If the 2nd chakra is deficient:
Rigid physical body and attitudes
Fear of sex
Poor social skills
Denial of pleasure
Excessive boundaries
Lack of desire, passion or excitement
If the 2nd chakra is excessive:
Addiction to sex, drugs or alcohol
Mood swings
Excessive sensitivity
Overpowering, invasion of others
Emotional codependency
Obsessive attachments
Color: Orange
Glands: Ovaries, testes
Developmental age: 6 to 24 months
Balanced characteristics:
Graceful movement
Emotional intelligence
In your own power
Comfortable with your own sexuality
Able to change
Healthy boundaries
Emotionally balanced
Ability to nurture self and others
Ability to experience pleasure in healthy ways
Physical malfunctions:
Disorders of the reproductive system
Menstrual problems
Sexual dysfunction
Low back pain, knee trouble
Lack of flexibility, either physically or emotionally
Inappropriate appetite (either too much or not enough)
I have a right to enjoy pleasure
I accept and celebrate my sexuality
I deserve to have fun
I feel comfortable as a man/woman
My sexuality is sacred
My life is pleasurable
I am flexible and go with the flow in life
I nurture and support all my relationships
I let go of all past emotional traumas
I am creative
To heal wounds of your 2nd chakra:
Give or receive massage
Take a bath
Work with your hands
Sit in a rocking chair
Clean your house
Feel music
Inner child work
Allow your hips to sway when walking
12-step programs for addictions
Develop a healthy hobby just for fun
Develop healthy boundaries
Learn how to have healthy intimate relationships
Honor your femininity/masculinity
Eat orange fruits and vegetables
Sound: Vam, D note
Yoga postures that benefit your 2nd chakra:
Forward bends, cobra, sphinx, boat, locust, bow, butterfly, child with knees apart, hip circles, pelvic lifts, hero, spinal twist
3rd Chakra, Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Solar plexus
Purpose: Center of psychic feelings
Issues associated with your 3rd chakra:
Personal identity
Well balanced energy
Will power
Self esteem
Personal achievement
Balanced ego
If your 3rd chakra is deficient:
Low energy
Weak willed, easily manipulated
Low self esteem
Poor digestion
Victim mentality
Poor me
Easily overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of others
If your 3rd chakra is excessive:
Dominating, controlling, overly aggressive
Need to be right
Temper tantrums
Type A personality
Color: Yellow
Gland: Pancreas
Development age: 18 months to 4 years
Balanced characteristics:
Responsible, reliable
Balanced, effective willpower
Good self esteem
Able to feel your feelings
Able to discern the difference between what you feel and what other people are feeling
Physical malfunctions:
Eating disorders
Digestive disorders
Liver, gallbladder, spleen or pancreas problems
Hypoglycemia or diabetes
Chronic fatigue
Muscle spasms
I honor who I am and who I have a right to be
It is safe for me to feel my feelings
I can do whatever I will to do
I take pride in my work
I keep my word
I respect myself
I know who I am
I can say no when I need to
To heal wounds of your 3rd chakra:
Protect your solar plexus by imagining a screen in front of it
Visualize energy coming from the crown of your head and pushing out from your 3rd chakra like water pouring out of a fire hydrant
Express your anger in appropriate ways, punch a pillow, roll up the windows of your car and yell
Ask yourself how you are really feeling
Take risks
Deep relaxation, stress management
Martial arts
Learn to say no
Develop your willpower
Eat yellow fruits and vegetables
Balance your blood sugar
Sound: Ram, E note
Yoga postures that benefit your 3rd chakra:
Spinal twists, bow, wheel, bridge, seated boat, lying facing boat, reverse plank, breath of joy, warrior poses, sun salutes
4th Chakra, Anahata, Heart Chakra
Location: Heart center
Purpose: To give and receive love
Reaching out and taking in
Balance between the physical and spiritual
Body-mind integration
If the 4th chakra is deficient:
Withdrawn, cold, antisocial
Intolerant of self or others
Fear of intimacy
Lack of empathy
If the 4th chakra is excessive:
Overly sacrificing
Giving too much
Color: Green
Gland: Thymus
Developmental age: 4 to 7 years
Balanced characteristics:
Self loving
Strong immune system
Physical malfunctions:
Heart problems
Lung problems
Immune deficiency
Breathing difficulties
Circulatory problems
Tension between shoulder blades
I love myself unconditionally
I am able to give and receive love
I balance giving and receiving in my life
I deserve to be loved
There is an infinite supply of love in my life
I am the place that love flows through
I am loving to myself and others
I love what I do
I am surrounded by love and support
To heal wounds of your 4th chakra:
Carry your own baby picture
Write yourself a love letter
Eat green fruits and vegetables
Create a spiritual family of friends who really love you
Say I am sorry to someone you need to
Adopt an animal from the pet rescue
Write a gratitude list
Work with your arms
Hug and be hugged
Forgive yourself and others
Breathing exercises
Do what you love to do
Sound: Yam, F note
Yoga postures that benefit your 4th chakra:
Backbends, fish, camel, bridge, wheel, cobra, child, upward facing dog, sage twist, triangle, balancing half moon
5th Chakra, Vissudha, Throat Chakra
Location: Throat center
Purpose: Center for psychic communication
Finding one’s own voice
If the 5th chakra is deficient:
Fear of speaking your mind
Small voice
Tone deaf
Shy, introverted
Difficulty putting your feelings into words
If the 5th chakra is excessive:
Talk too much
Unable to listen or understand
Dominating voice
You interrupt others
Color: Blue
Glands: Thyroid, parathyroid
Developmental age: 7 to 12 years
Balanced characteristics:
Good listener
Resonant voice
Good sense of timing and rhythm
Clear communication
Physical malfunctions:
Thyroid problems
Disorders of neck, throat, jaw and ears
Toxicity in the body
Voice problems
I speak my truth with love and grace
I express myself clearly
I listen with my whole heart
I allow my thoughts to flow
I speak from my heart
To heal wounds of your 5th chakra:
Play a musical instrument
Write letters that you later burn and release to the universe
Practice silence
Listen to music
Sing, chant, tone
Tell stories
Write in a journal
Express who you really are
Eat blue fruits
Sound: Ham, G note
Yoga poses that heal your 5th chakra:
Shoulderstand, fish, neck stretches, neck rolls, rabbit, plow, knee to ear pose
6th Chakra, Ajna, Third Eye Chakra
Location: Between your eyebrows
Purpose: Psychic vision
If your 6th chakra is deficient:
Poor vision
Poor memory
Difficulty seeing the future or alternatives
Lack of imagination
Difficulty visualizing
Can’t remember dreams
Denial — can’t see what’s really going on
If your 6th chakra is excessive:
Difficulty concentrating
Color: Indigo, a blend of red and blue
Gland: Pituitary
Developmental age: Adolescence
Balanced characteristics:
Good memory
Able to access and remember dreams
Able to visualize
Able to think symbolically
Physical malfunctions:
Eye problems
It is safe for me to see the truth
My life evolves with clarity
I honor my psychic vision
I can manifest my vision
I am open to the wisdom within
I imagine wonderful things for my life
I like what I see
To heal wounds of your 6th chakra:
Get enough natural sunlight
Purchase a light therapy box
Create visual art — paint, draw
Visit art galleries
Look at beautiful scenery
Climb to the top of a mountain and enjoy the view
Always look your best
Get a makeover
Surround yourself with beauty
Use full spectrum lightbulbs
Sound: Om, A note
Yoga postures that benefit 6th chakra:
Meditation, lotus, yoga mudra, cow’s head, dancer, spinal twists, plough, bridge, shoulderstand, eagle
7th chakra, Sahasrara, Crown Chakra
Location: Crown of your head
Purpose: Psychic knowing
Connection to God
Belief systems
Wisdom and mastery
If your 7th chakra is deficient:
Spiritual cynicism
Learning difficulties
Rigid belief systems
If your 7th chakra is excessive:
Over intellectual
Spiritual addiction
Disassociation from the body
Color: Violet fading to white
Gland: Pineal
Developmental age: Early adulthood
Balanced characteristics:
Spiritual outlook on life
Able to learn easily
Intelligent, thoughtful, aware
Open minded
Humble before the beauty and wonder of the universe
Physical malfunctions:
Head injury
Mental illness
Brain tumors
I honor the divinity within me
I am connected to God and all that is
I am guided by my higher power
I am guided by a higher wisdom
I honor my knowing
I follow my inner guidance
Information I need comes to me whenever I need it
I am a soul with a physical body
I am passionate about my life
I do the best I can
I am open to new learning
I accept all parts of myself
I accept everything that happens in my life as a blessing from God
I know and experience that I am blessed by God
To heal wounds of your 7th chakra:
Read spiritual literature
Attend church, synagogue, or meditate regularly
Wear white clothing
Connect your body, mind, and spirit
Attend programs of learning and study
Listen to the silence
Use “cancel that” for any negativity
Practice watching your thoughts
Talk to God
Rest one day a week
What is healing? Healing happens when you discover the hidden secrets of your chakras.
To make an appointment for a medical intuitive reading, please call 678–612–8816 or email catherine@catherinecarrigan.com.