FREE Online Workshop Tuesday, Oct. 17: Breathwork for Inner Peace
Join medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan and yoga teacher Suzanne Dulin for a FREE online workshop on breathwork for inner peace this Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 9:30 p.m. EST.
Where: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
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When: 9:30 p.m. EST
What you will learn: Eight Minutes to Inner Peace, a breathwork routine you can use anytime, anywhere
Who will benefit? Anyone with:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Sleep apnea
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
- Asthma
- Anyone with breathing difficulties
- Meditators
- Athletes wanting to improve their endurance
- Anyone wanting to learn how to switch their internal state to inner peace
Catherine Carrigan has been co-creating an online course called Eight Minutes to Inner Peace with instructional designer Lisa Barnstrom and Suzanne Dulin, creator of the Sadhana Catalog.
“I’ve been teaching yoga in Atlanta for the past 21 years,” says Catherine Carrigan. “I have taught yoga breathing exercises, also known as pranayama, to a wide range of clients as a simple form of energy healing.
“In recent years I was prompted to create a series of videos of these breathing exercises in order to help a client suffering from dangerously high blood pressure.
“I felt tremendous compassion for him because not only was his blood pressure so high he had experienced kidney failure, he was unable to work his job as a barber.
“He would have to get up at 4 in the morning to drive to a dialysis center for daily treatments.
“I wanted to create the videos so he would know what to do to calm himself as he left his wife and children in the wee hours of the morning to go in for his lengthy treatment.
“Although he was on multiple medications, the drugs had failed to lower his blood pressure within normal range. I wanted him to have access to these very powerful breathing exercises so that he could lower his blood pressure naturally.
“Since that time I have referred countless clients to my videos. After talking to Suzanne Dulin and Lisa Barnstrom, we saw the need to create an online course so that people all over the world could learn the natural healing remedy of pranayama, a simple but profound form of energy healing.”
Here’s the basic instructions for this powerful sequence, Eight Minutes to Inner Peace:
Start by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position.
1.ONE MINUTE: Focus on lengthening your inhale.
2.ONE MINUTE: Focus on lengthening your exhale.
3.ONE MINUTE: Focus on making your inhale and exhale equally long and deep.
Sit up for the remaining breathing exercises.
4.ONE MINUTE: Bellows Breath. Inhale into your belly and exhale forcibly by contracting your solar plexus.
5.ONE MINUTE: Breath of Fire. Inhaling and exhaling rapidly, pump your diaphragm. Your inhale will happen naturally.
6.ONE MINUTE: Alternate nostril breathing. Inhale through your right nostril. With the thumb of your right hand, close the right nostril. Exhale through your left nostril. With the ring finger of your right hand, close the left nostril. Exhale through your right nostril. Use your thumb to close your right nostril. Exhale through the left nostril. Use your ring finger to close the left. Repeat.
7.ONE MINUTE: Bumblebee breath. Place your pointer finger and middle finger on your forehead. Place your thumbs on your ear flaps and close your ears. Place your ring finger lightly on your closed eyelids. Little finger rests on your cheekbones. Make a humming sound like a bee.
8.ONE MINUTE: Ocean breath. Open your mouth, relax your jaw. Inhale and make the sound of the ocean in the back of your throat. Exhale and make the sound of the ocean. Close your lips and continue making the sound of the ocean.
If you have been suffering from depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, insomnia or fatigue, set up an appointment today to learn how your breathing patterns may be aggravating your condition. Call 678–612–8816 or email
We can work by phone, Skype or Zoom video conference to help you understand what’s been going on with your breathing and empower you to expand your lung capacity for greater health and happiness.