FREE Giveaway, The Little Book of Breathwork
You may have practiced yoga, but do you know pranayama and have you mastered hand mudras?
From July 10 through July 14, 2019, you can download a FREE copy of the ebook version of my 7th Amazon Number One Bestseller, The Little Book of Breathwork.
I wrote this book because I wanted to give you tools you can use for FREE tool anytime, anywhere.
By learning to integrate breathwork, affirmations and hand mudras, you can:
- Master your emotions
- Achieve inner peace
- Lower your blood pressure without drugs
- Alleviate anxiety and depression
- Overcome insomnia
- Decrease fatigue
- Increase your energy without sugar or caffeine
- Cope with pain
- Relieve sleep apnea
- Raise your personal vibration
To order your FREE ebook, please click this link.
I’m so grateful for all the readers who have taken seven of my nine published books to Number 1 on Amazon that I want to give this book to you for FREE.
After all, it’s my sincere desire to empower people all over the world how to achieve exceptional levels of health that has kept me working full time in natural healing for the past 26 years.
And by having access to the very best information about natural healing, I’ve been able to enjoy amazing levels of personal vitality as well as running a business from my home that helps people all over the world.
My heart is full of gratitude and I want to give back to you.
It is my hope that you use this little book to put together a personal practice that integrates deep breathing, affirmations and hand mudras.
You can follow the breathwork sequence I teach here or select specific breathing exercises to heal current health challenges.
Hold the hand mudras that access the frequency you want to amplify. In The Little Book of Breathwork I teach you how to increase your feelings of:
- Divinity
- Purification
- Protection
- Serenity
- Knowledge
- Happiness
- Abundance
- Immunity
- Peace
- Unfoldment
- Release
- Energy
- Grounding
- Creativity
- Enlightenment
The Little Book of Breathwork became my 7th Amazon Number 1 bestseller after my previous six Amazon Number 1 bestsellers.
Learn more about all my books at my Amazon Author Central Page at this link.
Natural healing is a huge field of endeavor dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the enhancement of well being on all levels.
Many people think you have to take a supplement, visit a practitioner or look deep inside yourself to resolve your deepest issues.
What if the simplest step you could take to move forward was available for FREE anytime, anywhere?
By learning to breathe, think positive thoughts and activate hand mudras you can make profound changes in the way you feel.
What is healing? Healing happens when you learn how to empower yourself through your breath.
And from now through July 14, these secrets are all yours for FREE by downloading the ebook version of The Little Book of Breathwork.
Want to schedule a session for a medical intuitive reading or healing? Call 678–612–8816 or email Discover what you can do to take advantage of the very best of natural healing. I can work with you by phone, Skype or video conference anywhere in the world.