Are Your Teeth Ruining Your Health?
Are your teeth ruining your health?
Sometimes when I’m doing a medical intuitive reading I will discover there’s a problem in your mouth that is causing chronic health issues.
It often seems like a chicken or the egg question — which came first, your seemingly unsolvable health condition or the chronic infection and/or toxicity in your mouth?
You may have old mercury amalgam fillings that leach heavy metals into your body every time you chew.
In this interview for the Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio, Kimberly Miles, author of At The Root: My journey to health and healing (Could your mouth be the root cause of your health problems?), explains why you can’t afford to overlook your teeth when you’re trying to figure out why you’re struggling so hard to be healthy.
We discuss:
1. What is biological dentistry?
2. What’s the difference between a holistic dentist and a traditional dentist?
3. What sort of problems can biological dentistry help a person heal?
4. How does our dental health relate to our overall health?
5. What is a cavitation and what causes it?
6. How can we take better care of our teeth?
7. How can taking better care of our teeth improve our overall health.
8. If our listeners know they have problems with their teeth, what natural healing approaches can they take to improve?
9. What sort of health challenges can people have that may indicate that they need to improve their dental health?
10. Where can people find a holistic dentist in their area?
Here’s a chart that explains the correlation between all your major organs and every tooth in your mouth.
Meridian Tooth Chart, courtesy of
This is very same chart I refer to when I’m doing medical intuitive readings and I find a correlation with a problem in your mouth.
If you have been wondering why you can’t get well — despite taking natural supplements, exercising and meditating daily, doing your deep emotional release work and consulting the best practitioners — you may benefit from studying this chart.
In Atlanta, I refer clients to Dr. Ronald M. Dressler, a member of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine.
Dr. Dressler has been my dentist for many years.
Although another holistic dentist removed my old mercury amalgam fillings and replaced them with materials that were finally actually compatible with my body, Dr. Dressler has helped me tremendously.
He gave me a series of 10 ozone shots over the course of a year to get rid of deep infections in my own mouth.
When I was a teenager a traditional dentist had given me braces. Although I’m sure I must have needed those, I often wonder whether my braces had contributed to deep infections.
Even after having two emergency root canal surgeries from a traditional oral surgeon, Dr. Dressler still had to treat me for deep infections in the exact same teeth.
Kimberly Miles is not a dentist but went through similar challenges with her own teeth that adversely affected her health for decades.
She wrote her book, At The Root: My journey to health and healing (Could your mouth be the root cause of your health problems?, as a resource to help others who are truly suffering.
Even if you don’t suffer from chronic health conditions or are currently aware of dental challenges, you can benefit from reading this great article Kimberly Miles wrote about toothpaste.
Choose Your Toothpaste Like You Would a Best Friend
I happened to glance at the back of my natural toothpaste purchased at the health food store. I was dismayed to see a warning on the tube, similar to the commercial brands I consider toxic. The warning said that if the toothpaste is accidentally swallowed, to call the Poison Control Center. This alarmed me because I know that toothpaste ingredients are easily absorbed through the mucous membranes in our mouth. You don’t have to swallow toothpaste to have it end up in your body.
Health and well-being are my family’s number one priorities. As shown on that label, my toothpaste’s ingredients were not supporting my health or well-being. Why would I want to put something in my mouth, on my teeth and gums that was harmful to my health? Why would I want that for my family? Especially since I know the health of the mouth affects the overall health of the rest of the body.
I was surprised to see that a natural toothpaste’s ingredients are harmful. Ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate (linked to cancer, neurotoxicity and organ toxicity, skin irritation and endocrine disruption), stannous and sodium fluoride (thyroid disruptor, neurotoxicity and banned in many countries), Triclosan, (destroys the oral microbiome, making you more prone to disease), artificial colors (toxicity as well as carcinogenic properties) and artificial sweeteners (disrupt the oral microbiome) should not go into the body. Period.
Most of us put very little thought into which toothpaste we use. Toothpaste should be carefully chosen like you would choose a best friend, as it should play a positive, healthy and supportive role in your daily life.
I decided to find toothpaste or powder that would do just that:
- Help to create and support overall health and well-being.
- Ingredients that could be swallowed without harm.
- Support healthy gums, teeth and create a healthy, balanced environment for the oral microbiome.
Your oral cavity teems with life (the oral microbiome) in the form of bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and archaea that live in harmony to support your health and well-being. Your mouth with its seven hundred types of bacteria is home to twenty billion bacteria, your immune system’s first line of defense. These bacteria process minerals, enzymes and vitamins to nourish and nurture your teeth and gums.
Healthy bacteria keep your teeth white and stain free. They create a healthy biofilm — the thin and shiny coating over the teeth. Harmful bacteria create cavities, plaque, bad breath and inflammation as well as bleeding gums.
Most mouthwash and toothpaste get rid of all bacteria, good, bad or indifferent. When the bacteria in your mouth is out of balance, your oral and over-all health can suffer. Thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, strokes, heart disease and diabetes. A variety of causes turn these microbes from helpful to harmful: oral infections, the standard American diet, stress, drugs and dental procedures. Harmful microbes can then spread disease and illness to other parts of your body.
Give your oral microbiome a healthy environment in which to flourish. That just makes sense; it’s a win-win situation.
I have tried the following toothpastes that fit my criteria. I always keep a few different brands on hand because I like to rotate my toothpaste:
- Revitin Prebiotic Toothpaste (
- Dr. Bronner’s anise or cinnamon toothpaste (
- Auromere Ayurvedic Licorice Toothpaste (
- Botanique Himalaya Simply Cinnamon and Simply Spearmint (
- Weleda Children’s Tooth Gel (
Since I grew up with “industrial strength” mint-flavored toothpaste, it took some getting use to other flavors. Revitin, flavored with tangerine and lemon essential oils is my favorite for strengthening and balancing the microbiome in both my mouth and digestive tract.
Here are some other brushing tips to keep your mouth healthy:
- Be gentle with your teeth: a soft nylon bristle toothbrush with rounded ends will protect your gums. I also use an electric toothbrush from time to time. Use a light touch as you move along your teeth and gums.
- Rinse your brush well and let it air dry. Sometimes I rinse my brush in a mixture of water with a drop of an antibacterial essential oil like peppermint or clove.
- I change my toothbrush when the bristles begin to fray. Usually this is every 2 to 3 months.
- Flossing removes food particles and bacteria that get stuck between your teeth. I prefer a “tape” style floss verses a thin string that can more easily cut the gums.
- After meals I rinse my mouth out with water. Wait at least ½ hour before brushing your teeth because you will just be brushing acid from your meal into the tooth enamel.
Since changing to a healthier toothpaste, and following my brushing tips, my over-all health as well as the health of my mouth has improved. Thanks to my new best friend!
Diet and exercise are important to being healthy, but your oral health must be considered as well. How much thought and effort have you put into finding the best toothpaste for strengthening and balancing the microbiome in both your mouth?
Choose your toothpaste like you would your best friend!
To set up a medical intuitive reading, please call Catherine Carrigan at 678–612–8816 or email We can work by phone, Skype or videoconference to help you get to the root cause of what has been bothering you!