A Year of Healing
This year, in 2019, I’m offering something I’ve never created before: a year of healing.
Each month I’ll be writing about specific topics that my clients commonly come to me to resolve.
You can read along at www.catherinecarrigan.com or sign up for a year of healing, for which I’ll be offering a special discount for those who commit to making this their best year ever.
Each month I’ll do a medical intuitive reading to identify the top 5 steps you can take to move forward in each of the following areas:
January: Discover Your Soul’s Purpose. The most profound way you can be truly happy in life is to discover what your soul yearns to do in this lifetime. You may be physically healthy and enjoy a good income but have you connected with your soul’s purpose? Many people confuse their soul’s purpose with finding their ideal career. Sometimes these can be linked but your soul purpose is way deeper and far more rewarding than any money you will ever earn.
February: Open Your Heart. Is your heart open or closed? Have you healed your broken heart? As human beings, we go through a series of losses and life challenges often so extreme they break our heart. The emotional and spiritual heartbreak we go through may shut us down to the love and joy that’s actually constantly available to us and can even lead to heart disease.
March: Detoxify Your Mind and Body. Clutter in your home, worry and obsessive thoughts in your mind and toxins in your body may be congesting your energy. As you release what holds you back you can think more clearly, lose weight and radiate better health.
April: Spring Forward. After discovering your soul’s purpose, opening your heart and detoxifying your mind and body you’re ready to make a quantum leap forward. You could go in any of 100 directions but which steps will pay off best for you?
May: Increase Your Personal Energy. You may have worked so hard in the past you burned out your adrenal glands, leading to a damaged metabolism and degenerative diseases of aging. Learn how to heal your adrenals and increase your personal chi. Clear the physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks to enjoying sustained energy in your life.
June: Let the Sun Shine In. We can only live in the light when we recognize our shadow. Bring the light of awareness to your shadow self, the aspect of your ego that sabotages your best efforts. Stop allowing your shadow to be in charge and give your higher self permission to lead the way.
July: Improve Your Relationship with Yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. All the other relationships in your life are based on how good a relationship you maintain with your true self. Stop the patterns of feeling like a victim, not being present with yourself, bullying yourself or wearing yourself down with endless, know-it-all questions about your past mistakes. Give yourself permission to form a truly loving relationship with who you really are.
August: Center and Focus Your Mind. Your mind is your most powerful muscle. As you learn to center and focus, you can direct your mind like a laser to attract, manifest and create the life you love to live.
September: Release Cellular Toxins. You detoxified your mind and body in the spring. Fall beckons another level of release, preparing your immune system for the colder months to follow.
October: Eat and Drink Your Way to Better Health. Juices, smoothies and homemade soups nourish your body. Discover the best ways to feed yourself to create better health.
November: Create Your Spiritual Family. You may never have had the mother, father, brothers or sisters you really wanted. The inner turmoil you experience from constant conflicts with your biological family may be tearing you apart. But you can learn to create a spiritual family of like-minded souls.
December: Radiate Joy. By now you recognize that taking care of yourself is the opposite of selfish. You’re more content with yourself and as you learn to be more and more joyful you lift up everyone around you simply by being you. Discover the top five things you need right now to be a truly joyful person.
If you’re interested in signing up for a year of healing, please call 678–612–8816 or email catherine@catherinecarrigan.com. I’ll be offering a special rate for those who sign up for one-hour sessions once a month to address these specific topics.
We can work by phone, Skype or zoom.us video conference from anywhere in the world.
What is healing? Healing happens when you commit to being the best you can be.