3 Natural Healing Remedies for Loneliness
“Man shall not live by bread alone.” Matthew 4:4
As a medical intuitive healer, of all the challenges I empower my clients to overcome, perhaps one of the most difficult to tackle is the phenomenon of loneliness.
During the course of my medical intuitive readings my heart goes out when I discover the depths of isolation, disconnection, friendlessness, abandonment and alienation.
Often these emotions get labeled as depression and treated with antidepressants.
Yes, you may be feeling down in the dumps, but are you really depressed or are you actually feeling lonely?
Who is your soul actually longing for?
Do you need more intimate connections to other people or do you actually need to connect more deeply to a lost aspect of yourself?
You may have never developed a true spiritual connection or identified what your soul really yearns for. Or you may have been so wounded by heart-crushing events of the past that you have closed yourself off to the possibility of true companionship.
You may also have enjoyed very rewarding relationships but lost those connections through death, divorce or moving.
You could be apparently happily married, the parent to multiple children, the boss of thousands or surrounded by others every waking moment and still feel cut off from a deeper love that could sustain you.
If you recognize you have been suffering from loneliness, here are a few suggestions that I have found helpful.
Tall Yellow Top. This Australian Flower Essence is a natural healing remedy for loneliness. Sometimes people ask me what I feel are the most powerful natural healing remedies. Without question, my answer is flower essences. For the past 25 years I have studied and recommended flower essences from around the world. When you feel achingly lonely, who would even believe that a few drops of a flower essence would make any difference at all?
This is what the official Australian Flower Essence website has to say about Tall Yellow Top:
“This Essence is for alienation. There is no feeling of connection or sense of belonging to family, workplace, country, self, etc. Often as a consequence of this alienation the head, or intellect, takes over from the heart. As many people have been in this state for a long time, Tall Yellow Top will often need to be used for longer periods, sometimes for up to 6–8 weeks without a break. It is important when in this state to reach out to others for support. Be patient with the results from this Essence if it appears to be a little slow in acting. The results are well worth waiting for.”
To use flower essences effectively, take two to four drops under your tongue directly five times per day or put two to four drops in your water bottle and drink frequently throughout your day.
Because flower essences are vibrational remedies, you need to take them frequently to go into resonance with their subtle messages. You may need to take this remedy for up to six months to allow the shift to take place.
You may have been lonely your entire life and be profoundly surprised at the difference you feel when you take Tall Yellow Top over a period of time.
Learn to talk to your angels. Whether you realize it or not, you have been accompanied your entire life by spiritual guides. Some people call them your angels, some people call them your spiritual guides. Whatever you want to call them they are high frequency individuals who are here to support you in all your soul is meant to do in this lifetime.
Two of my Amazon Number 1 bestsellers, What Is Healing? Awaken Your Intuitive Power for Health and Happiness and Unlimited Intuition Now, discuss how to do this in greater detail.
You may have been feeling all alone in the world but the fact is nothing could be further from the truth.
Your angels are always guiding you, protecting you, uplifting you and supporting you.
When I teach my clients how to communicate with their angels I find they never feel alone ever again.
Although there are many ways to talk to your angels, here is one simple way to do this.
- Step One. Clear your energy. Rub your hands together to gather chi. Then pass your hands over your head three times to clear your energy. As I do this, I say silently to myself, “I clear my energy in the name of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost.” You have to be in neutral to receive guidance from your angels.
- Step Two. Calibrate a yes or a no. Stand in the middle of a room. Say silently to yourself, “Angel spirit guides show me a yes.” Notice what happens. You may feel a subtle shift forward, or to the right or to the left. Then say, “Angel spirit guides show me a no.” Notice whether you subtly shift backward, or to one direction or the other. Get clear on the feeling you receive in your body.
- Step Three. Ask yes or no questions for your highest best interests. Because you are learning a simple method to start with, ask yes or no questions. Do not ask what I call stupid questions. If you ask, “Can I lie down in the middle of the road,” you may get a yes. If you ask, “Is it in my highest best interests to lie down in the middle of the road,” you will get an entirely different answer. When you ask questions for your highest good you all receive guidance about what will be in the highest good for all. Ask, “Angel spirit guides is it in my highest best interests to (fill in the blank).” Be sure to ask questions only about what you are here to do, be and have. Your angels are here to support you — not to mind your neighbor’s business.
Create a spiritual family. Although you may be incredibly blessed in many aspects of your life, often you missed out on having the mother, father, brother, sister or other close family member that you long for.
For example, if you grew up the child of an abusive father, drug addicted mother, or you never had the brother or sister you wanted, realize that there is no such thing as a vacuum in this universe.
Say a prayer and ask God to send you a person in your life who can fulfill the role you deeply long for right now.
For example, you could say this prayer:
“Heavenly Father, Thank you for blessing me, loving me and guiding me all the days of my life. At this time, I am wanting and needing a spiritual father, a man older than myself who can guide me, protect me and show me what a healthy man looks like and acts like. Please bless me with a spiritual father. Allow me to be a spiritual (daughter/son) to this gentleman so that we may be a blessing to each other in this lifetime. I ask that this be done in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you God, thank you God, thank you God. Amen.”
Realize that just as you may need someone to fill the role of being a healthy father/mother/brother/sister or even grandfather/grandmother/aunt/uncle to you, that you may also be a great blessing to a person who may need a spiritual daughter/son/sister/brother or even grandson/granddaughter/niece/nephew.
As you say this prayer, notice who naturally shows up in your life. Pay attention! Your angels are always listening to your soul longing. Notice the people around you with whom you can give and receive the unconditional love you may not have been able to experience from blood relatives.
The blessing of loneliness is that it is such an uncomfortable feeling it can push you off the couch, out of your house and into the big, beautiful world where you can discover so much more joy than you ever imagined.
What is healing? Healing happens when you face your feelings of loneliness and step outside your comfort zone to begin the life you are meant to live.
To set up an appointment for a medical intuitive reading or receive healing work, email catherine@catherinecarrigan.com or call 678–612–8816.