3 Immutable Rules to Crazy Success in Business
After 23 years running my own successful business in fitness, nutrition and natural healing, 20 years teaching yoga, 5 books and countless happy, healthy clients, I’ve come up with three rules for crazy success.
You’re welcome to steal them:
- Everything you do must be of total integrity.
- Think win-win-win, everything you do must be good for you, good for your clients, good for the earth.
- If it’s not FUN, don’t do it.
You can learn more about these rules and further insight about running a successful business as a medical intuitive healer in holistic alternative medicine by watching this FREE youtube video at this link.
My good friend Suzanne Dulin interviewed me for Forge: Hammering Out Your Future, an event at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.
This event was put together by a team of professionals, IT software engineers, coding experts, Business Analysts, project managers, entrepreneurs, writers and friends.
“This event is designed to give you a new perspective on your career, equipping you with new tools and methods you can use to make more money, have more free time, and discover a real purpose in your profession,” the team wrote on their official website.
No, I don’t have an M.B.A.
I run a business from my home office.
My 13-year-old rescue girl Belle works with me, frequently trying to take over your yoga mat or wanting to get on the table to help you with your healing.
My studio is full of orchids.
My office looks out over my all-organic garden and a blue jar fountain where the birds come to drink and we all look out over acres of trees owned by the city of Atlanta, a virtual wildlife preserve and one of the greatest blessings of my life.
I’m not quite sure how I came up with these rules exactly.
Nobody told me to do them, I just figured it out.
Let’s drill this down for you.
- Everything you do must be of total integrity. When everything you do is of the highest integrity, you use the best products, the most effective and efficient techniques, you work with incredible chi of very high frequency. People can feel it the moment they walk into my studio. I have had many a client say, “I feel better just walking in the door.” Over the years, my yoga students have said, “I had a headache but I walked in to yoga class and it went away.” When you work with the highest possible frequency of energy — which, by the way, is unconditional love, kindness, compassion, bluntness, directness and intentions for full and actual healing — you are sure to experience nothing but success on all levels.
- Think win-win-win, everything you do must be good for you, good for your clients, good for the earth. When everybody wins, your business is sustainable. Not only do you not rip anybody off, you develop clients for life. Not only do you not burn yourself out, you get more energy by doing what you love to do. Not only do you not harm the earth, the land around you responds by blessing you with beauty so magnificent that everybody enjoys just watching it. If you’ve ever walked up to my organic garden in any season of the year you can see for yourself what I’m talking about. The truth is everything has consciousness. The entire universe responds precisely to your good intentions. People and plants know when you want the best for them and they respond by giving their best back to you.
- If it’s not FUN, don’t do it. Here’s the thing about fun. If it’s actually fun, you will really look forward to doing it. If it’s really really fun, you will spend hours and hours and hours doing it. Time will slip by. To become a master at anything requires 10,000 hours (that’s 10 years and not in dog years) of actual practice. If you love love love what you do you’ll be having so much fun that soon as you even consider it you’re a master. And then you can be very efficient, hit the nail on the head and help other people achieve their goals quickly and in a highly cost effective manner. You’ll never want to quit because you’ve discovered your dharma and you become a living breathing example of a healthy happy truly successful human being.
O.K., end of business lecture. I’m off to eat a healthy breakfast and start my day by teaching yoga.
I wish you the best of success in all your endeavors — send me an email at catherine@catherinecarrigan.com to let me know how my three rules apply in YOUR life and business.
Love and light to all, Catherine Carrigan
Like this article? Please visit my websites at www.catherinecarrigan.com, www.unlimitedenergynow.com, and www.whatissocialmediatoday.com. For a FREE 15-minute consult, please email catherine@catherinecarrigan.com or call 678–612–8816.